Over the last couple of days I've been doing research on fashion designers, magazines, and people that made a difference in the fashion industry, old and new. While on Netflix, I came across some fashion documentaries. their was one that really cough my eye. UltraSuede The search Of Halston. Halston was born in Des Moines Iowa, he was always into altering and making clothes for his mother and sister. He, Studied at Indiana University and then at Art Institue of Chicago. While attending night courses at the art Institue, he worked as a fashion merchandiser at a upscale chain department store Carson Pirie Scott. He came to New York City to pursue a fashion career, that he did. Halston became the first New York Fashion Designer of the 70's to bring American fashion international to china. He was more than just a designer, he was art. Halston even had his own models that he traveled with daily, he even made garments for them for special events. Halston changed the fashion industry in the 70's. he design for just about every celebrity back then. In 1961 Jacqueline Kennedy made his work famous. He was a long time and central figure to the nightlife scene of New York Studio 54 disco. Halston's started out design hats, then a years later he was hired at Bergdorf Goodman. He also opened up Halston Limited in Manhattan Ny. He was also the first fashion designer to merge with mass chain retailer Jc penny's, This merge didn't work for Halston. His line was then drop from Bergdorf Goodman due to merging with a mass chain retailer. He then sold his company to revlon and the company keep being sold. In his time he created beautiful garments that made women feel and look fabulous..

Halston Dress
Before watching this documentaries I've have never heard of Halston, This man was a great talented to the fashion industry. Halston opened doors for many designer we see today, like Ralph Rucci, Naeem Khan and other talented designers today. The talent Halston has introduced to nyc has been phenomenal. why isn't his brand as big as other designer today? Is it really because of merge with Jc penny's or the life style people said he lived. Either Way Halston was one of a kind, the fashion industry has yet to meet a another Halston.
Halston Models 1970s
American Fashion God Father